
>> Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This is the live demo of "Mele Kalikimaka", a free Blogger template with a Hawaiian holiday themed design. The nuts and bolts of it (all the fabulous XML and CSS coding) was done by OurBlogTemplates with customization by yours truly.

Terms of Use: Since I did not actually design the template it is only fair that the credits must remain intact both on the blog page and within the XML code. This is not just fair, but smart because OurBlogTemplates may change the code and so you need to be able to reference them for any updates. Moreover, it is required by them in exchange for using the template free of charge.

For assistance on installing the template click here.

If you don't like my color scheme or background tile feel free to change it. The developer made the template amazingly flexible so you can change the fonts and colors right within the panel without having to go into the code.

You'll have to fiddle with the widgets as I've set placeholders within the template using links to my site and others. It's really easy to do and you don't need to know any HTML.

Since I'm not skilled in web design or coding I am unable to offer support if you have any issues from using this template. I advise you to do-it-yourself with OurBlogDesign's tutorial links I've provided above.

If you've implemented this template and theme in your blog, I invite you to join the "Followers" box at the right side of the sublower bar so that we can network and share the aloha spirit!

Now, if only I could design a nice banner to go with this blog. Hmmmm...does anybody out there have mad banner skillz they wanna contribute? :)


This Is A Photo!

>> Monday, November 23, 2009

This photo is available via Creative Commons by CoryAnn on Flickr. Some rights reserved.


Hello World!

>> Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vitae lorem quam. Suspendisse potenti. Nam tincidunt dui tincidunt eros molestie elementum. Curabitur eu nisi vel velit feugiat scelerisque. Phasellus elementum aliquet elit. Cras eu imperdiet nisi. Phasellus sit amet felis sapien. Donec nec tellus eget enim semper ornare quis id risus. Quisque nec sodales elit. Suspendisse scelerisque, ipsum sit amet dapibus dictum, ligula lectus euismod nisl, commodo sagittis lorem sem sit amet odio.

Nullam nec nisl sed elit cursus condimentum at sit amet libero. Fusce dictum, magna vitae dapibus adipiscing, libero nulla facilisis massa, nec sagittis augue ante vitae diam. Vestibulum eu metus tristique metus lobortis ultricies. Quisque pretium magna id velit condimentum adipiscing. Proin vel lacus nec orci vestibulum adipiscing. Nunc id mauris nisl, eget ultrices purus. Aliquam nisi ligula, varius at pulvinar nec, porttitor non magna. Cras et convallis turpis. Donec rhoncus feugiat convallis. Vestibulum sit amet lectus leo. In dignissim congue turpis, nec lacinia sem congue sed. Donec rutrum nibh sed urna ullamcorper interdum. Donec quis mauris non elit sollicitudin placerat in at dui. Vestibulum vel lectus neque, et sagittis mauris. Phasellus mollis, turpis vel pulvinar dignissim, purus nisi feugiat elit, eu varius nibh felis eget nulla. Nam aliquam sem id felis viverra eget porta massa venenatis.

Donec aliquam viverra dolor eu dignissim. Pellentesque ultrices orci quis nunc condimentum elementum. Morbi scelerisque urna sed leo dapibus auctor. Nunc quis lacus quis purus sollicitudin accumsan. Donec libero augue, cursus non egestas sit amet, laoreet ac ligula. Praesent sit amet nulla mi, sit amet auctor elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce accumsan pretium mauris, vitae porta massa semper et. Ut auctor massa vel lacus sollicitudin quis faucibus justo ornare. Nunc non orci ut dolor rutrum elementum quis eget diam. In eget lacus sapien. In quis malesuada nulla. Sed at nulla quam. Cras nec est lectus. Nulla nulla purus, sollicitudin vel tristique sit amet, vehicula sed urna. Sed commodo tellus a erat euismod vel faucibus velit tincidunt.


About Me

My photo
I love to make things, I adore vintage styles and my real name means "Queen of the Fairies". Most of the items listed on my blog's shop reflect one of these three ingredients. I create, fixate, and ultimately fabricate items listed here except for vintage items as indicated. More in my "All About Me" post.

About OurBlogTemplates

A blog for all bloggers who want to use new templates to replace the all-too-common templates provided by Blogger. There are tons of other templates out there, so, what makes this one different? I designed them with the priority of giving you huge freedom of modifying the templates completely - just from the Fonts and Colors panel.


  © Blogger template by 2009. Customization by Glamour Bomb.

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